Soldier Tradesmen Selection Process Eligibility Height, Weight, Chest, Med Exam, Indian Army

Soldier Tradesmen Selection Procedure:- Indian Army consists of numerous arms and services. The range of opportunities is very wide but the Army soldier Tradesman category is a special one. It is divided into two categories – General Duties (GD) and Specified Duties (SD). Tradesmen are one of the most important parts of the Army, they ensure the smooth and proper functioning of a unit. The various trades include Chef, Dresser, Tailor, Painter, Steward, Artisan (WW), Support Staff (ER) and Washer-man; House Keeper, Mess Keeper and Syce (look after horses). Various types of vacancies/posts are available for recruitment in the army as Soldiers Tradesmen category.

Full-Form of Abbreviations

Code for Soldier Tradesman – TDN

Sol – Soldier

Indian Army Soldier Tradesmen Eligibility Criteria

Army religious follows the rules, therefore, if you do not satisfy any of the below mentioned eligible criteria of Soldier Clerk, then you will not be able to apply. So, read all the points carefully and then check your eligibility before you apply online.

Educational Qualification:-A candidate who is applying for tradesmen should be at least 10th pass (except for mess keeper and housekeeper) or must have done ITI from a recognized education board. Education qualification 10th/high school/metric pass required for Cook, Barber, Store Hand, ASH, Ferrier, Mess Waiter, Postal, Pnr, Painter, Tailor, Carpenter, Washerman, Mochi, Wood, Cycle, Guard Dog for Soldier Tdn recruitment rally Bharti in Indian Army. Education Qualification for few trades like Mess Keeper and House Keeper 8th class pass required under Sol Tdn category for Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti. 

Online Registration/Application Form Sol Tdn:– Army Recruitment Rally Bharti date for recruitment in Sol Tdn category is published in the local newspaper and Indian Army website and vacancies allotted to concerned army recruitment offices twice in a year. Candidates may visit on Indian Army Rally Bharti Date for Army Jobs Information.

Online Application Document Army Job Sol Tdn:- Candidates are advised to submit an online application for Indian army recruitment rally in advance and not wait for the last date. Complete all army online registration-related documents required for the online application for the army recruitment rally well in advance and apply as early as possible to avoid any complication for submission of the online application form for soldier category.

Army Bharti Admit Card:– On completion of online registration of application date for army recruitment rally bharti, Army Recruiting Office will soon activate the download link for Army Recruitment Rally Admit Card. Candidates of soldier tradesmen category need to provide correct information to download the Army Rally Bharti Admit Card. Army Recruitment Rally Bharti Admit Card/Hall Ticket/Call up letter Link will be available soon for all Indian army recruitment rallies just after last date for online application of respective Army Recruiting Office.

Age Limit for Soldier Tdn:- Age for recruitment into Indian Army for Soldier Clerk/SKT category will be between 17 ½ to 23 years of age.

Physical Eligibility:- The physical eligibility for different region and state is different. It is possible that a candidate is physically eligible for one state or region and to be sure that he check his physical eligibility as per his state and then apply for the bharti.

Following are the physical standards for different region 

Indian States and UTsHeightChest in cmsWeight in Kg
All states/UT
Agniveer Sena Rally Programme 2024Click Here
Agniveer Physical Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Sikkim, Nagaland, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam and Hill Region of West Bengal Gangtok, Darjeeling and Kalimpong Districts)160 77-82 48
Agniveer Physical Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Hill (Area South and West of the Inter State Border between Himachal Pradesh and Punjab and North and East of Road Mukerian, Hoshiarpur, Garh Shankar and Ropar), Garhwal and Kumaon (Uttrakhand)163
77-82 48
Agniveer Physical Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa and Puducherry166 77-82 50
Agniveer Physical Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Rajasthan and Western Uttar Pradesh (Meerut and Agara Division)170
77-82 50
Agniveer Physical Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal Jharkhand and Orissa 169
77-82 50
Agniveer Physical Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dadar, Nagar, Haveli, Daman and Diu
168 77/ 76*
Agniveer Physical Adivasi Candidates (Tribals of Recognized Tribal Areas) 16277-8248
Agniveer Physical Military Police17377-8250
The Brigade of Guards17377-8250
Medium Artillery17077-8250
Agniveer Physical Ladakhi15777-8250
Agniveer Physical Gorkhas Candidates both Nepalese and Indian 16077-8248
Agniveer Physical Settlers16577-8250
Agniveer Physical Local15577-8250

Relaxation In Physical Standard Soldier Tradesmen relaxation

सेना में भर्ती होने के लिए शारीरिक मानकों में छूटPhysical Standard Relaxation in Army Recruitment
Son of servicemen/ Son of Ex-Servicemen/Son of War Widow/Son of Widow. 02 02
Adopted son/ son-in-law (if she has no son) of a War Widows of Army. 02
Sportsmen who have represented India at International level, or State at National level.
02 05
Sportsmen who have represented District at State level and University
or Regional team at State/ National level and secured 1st or 2nd position.
02 05

Soldier Tdn Physical Fitness Test:- Following Physical Fitness Test (PFT) for Sol GD category are carried out. Total Marks awarded for PFT is 100 marks :-

1)- 1.6 Km or 1600 Meter or 1 Mile Run:- Candidates are divided into groups and there is no fixed pattern that how many candidates will be there in one group. Most candidates try to reach the Bharti ground as soon as possible so that they could get the benefit of standing in the front row of the group. So one should always try to be in the front row of the group to get a better start in the race.

a)-60 Full Marks Group I:- Candidates completing 1.6 km race/run within 5 minutes and 30 second will get full 60 marks in Group I.

b)-48 Marks for Group II:– Candidates completing 1600 meter race within 5 minutes and 45 second will get full 48 marks in Group II.

2)- Pull Ups:- Right after the race, there comes a pull-ups round. This round is to test the strength of a candidate, and they are not like normal pull-ups, you will need to come up and go down on their instructions which will automatically make it difficult. As per the standards, a candidate has to do at least 6 pull-ups in order to qualify for the next round. The more pull-ups you do, the better it will be. The maximum limit will be 10.

(1)-10 Pull Ups on beam – 40 Marks

(2)-9 Pull ups on beam – 33 Marks

(3)-8 Pull ups on beam – 27 Marks

(4)-7 Pull ups on beam – 21 Marks

(5)-6 Pull ups on beam – 16 Marks

3)- Chest Measurement:- After pull-ups, the Chest measurement is done. Firstly, a candidate should satisfy the above-given standards of the chest. If he fails to do so then he will be disqualified. At least there should be an expansion of 5 cm in the chest, else the candidate will be disqualified.

4)- Zig-zag Balance:- The balancing round is done to test the agility of a candidate. You will be asked to walk or run slowly on a zig-zag stand. You have to complete it without falling to qualify this round. The zig-zag balance should qualify and no marks are awarded for it.

5)- 9 Feet Ditch:- In this round, a candidate will have to cross a 9 feet long ditch by jumping over it. This round is done to test the courage of a candidate. Candidates have to cross the ditch without falling on it. This is the final round of the Physical Fitness Test. This has to qualify and no marks are awarded.

Doc Preparation:- On completion of PFT all original documents as per list will be checked and Recruit Master Data Sheet will be prepared by the recruiting staff at rally bharti site.

Soldier TDN Medical Test:-A candidate should have robust physique and good mental health. Army Medical Test for Soldier category will be carried out as per for recruitment of soldiers. Main points for medical test are given below:

a)- A candidate should not have hydrocele, varicocele or piles for army recruitment.

b)- A candidate should not have knock knees, Flat Foot etc.

c)– For Army Recruitment a candidate should not have any disease of the skin which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement will also be a cause for rejection.

d)- Candidates must be free from diseases of ear, nose and throat and hearing should be normal.

e)- Should have a sufficient number of natural healthy gum and teeth i.e. minimum 14 dental points.

f)- The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any diseases.

g)- A candidature should not have any bodily defects or overweight.

h)- Chest should be healthy and the minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cm.

i)- A candidate should have no past history of mental breakdown or fits.

j)- Blood pressure should be normal.

k)- For recruitment in the army the muscles of the abdomen should be well developed and there should be no enlargement of the liver or spleen

l)- There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body.

m)- Tattoo/ Engraving:- Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on the inner face of the forearm i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of the hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body are not acceptable and the candidate will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoo marks on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case-to-case basis.

Important Medical Instructions:– Candidates are advised to take on the following issued before reporting to medical examinations:-

a)- Clear wax of both ears.

b)- Get Treated For Hernia, Hydrocele And Skin Diseases If Any.

c)- Body Hair On Private Parts Should Be Shaved.

d)- Take Proper Bath On The Day Of Medical Examination.

Written Exam Soldier Tdn:– The written exam is the final hurdle of recruitment. Out of the total marks that you will score in the written exam 33% will be added to the final merit list. The written exam will carry a total of 100 marks and 50 questions will be asked. The paper will be divided into 3 subjects GK, GS and Maths. GK will carry the highest number of the question i.e 20 questions, whereas GS and Maths will carry 15 questions each. Each question will be of 2 marks. 1 hour of time will be given to finish the exam, a candidate will need to score at least 32 marks to be declared as a pass.

Indian Army Soldier Tdn New Syllabus Exam Pattern

Indian Army Recruitment Information Job Info in Details
Soldier Selection ProcedureClick Here
Latest Syllabus all category Army Bharti 2023Click Here
Army Recruitment Helpline NumberClick Here

Warning:- Any candidate found cheating during the written exam will be disqualified.

Declaration of Result Indian Army:- The result of CEE will be published in the Indian Army Website and thereafter the result will be displayed on the respective ARO’s main office notice board. The dates of the collection of call letters will also be displayed on ARO’s main notice board. The call-up letters will be forwarded to candidates after one week of the declaration of results by registered post if not collected by the successful candidates in a week’s time.

Indian Army Rally Bharti Program 2024

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 Important Notice:Recruitment is a free service. Army recruitment cannot be influenced by any touts or outsider. Don’t give money to touts and do not get involved with themAny involvement with touts will render your candidature null and void. In case any staff member of ARO or any body else from the Army asking for any monetary gratification should be immediately brought to the notice of the authorities.

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