MAHAR UHQ Quota Relation & Sports Recruitment Rally 2024 MRC UHQ Relation Recruitment Rally Bharti 2024

MRC Sagar UHQ Relation & Sports Rally Bharti 2024

MAHAR Regt Center Saugor UHQ Quota Relation & Sports Army Rally Bharti 2024: MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation Bharti, All India Direct Open Army Rally Relation & Sports Bharti under UHQ Quota by Mahar Regt Center Saugor will be conducted at MAHAR Regt Center Saugor for recruitment in the Mahar Regt Center Saugor, Indian Army for son/brother of Servicemen and ex-servicemen of MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Wellington and other Regt/Corps of Indian Army. Online Application DocumentsVacancy for Mahar Regt Center Saugor Army Bharti and Eligibility criteria height, weight, chest, education qualification for recruitment in the Mahar Regt Center Saugor and dispensation under UHQ Quota army recruitment. MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Army Bharti Job Info and other details are given below:

Mahar Regt Saugor MP UHQ Quota Sports & Relation Recruitment Rally Notification 2024

HQ MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation & Sports Bharti Trade/Category: Headquarters MAHAR Regt Center Saugor will be conducting Army Relation Recruitment Rally Bharti at MAHAR Regt Center Saugor for following Soldier categories, Mahar Regt Center Saugor Bharti notification date:-

MRC Army Relation/Sports Bharti MAHAR Regiment Center Saugor UHQ Quota Relation and Open Sports Army Rally Bharti Program Notification 2024

Date of Online Registration Mahar Regt UHQ Quota Bharti – 2024

Rally Schedule EventsDate of UHQ Quota Rally Mahar Regiment Sagar
Registration of Relationship Category CandidatesUpdated soon
Cut off Date for receipt of Sponsor DO and summarized checklist from Units for UHQ Sports Quota Candidates.Updated soon
Recruitment Rally for Agniveer Sol ClkUpdated soon
Recruitment Rally for Relationship Category Soldier TradesmenUpdated soon
Recruitment Rally for Relationship Category Agniveer Sol GDUpdated soon
Skill test and Recruitment Rally for UHQ Sports QuotaUpdated soon
Common Entrance Exam (CEE)Updated soon)
Mahar Regt Center Helpline No 8871686608
All India UHQ Relation Rally 2023Click Here
Army Exam Syllabus 2023Click Here
MRC Sagour Official Notification 2023Click Here


Starting date of Online Registration through SMS – Updated soon

Closing date of Online Registration through SMS – Updated soon

Morning Time – 08:30 hrs to 14:00 hrs daily

Evening Time – 17:00 hrs to 20:00 hrs daily

Sports Trial for Open Sports Bharti – Updated soon

UHQ Quota Relation Rally – Updated soon

Registration Mob No : 8871686608

महार रेजिमेंट केंद्र में खेल कोटा और यू एच क्यू कोटा में भर्ती के सूचना सितम्बर 2024

1. महार रेजिमेंट पत्र क्रमांक 1387/Rtg/A4

2. महार रेजिमेंट केंद्र में खेल कोटा के उम्मीदवारों का खेल परिक्षण होगा तथा तक अग्निपथ योजना के अंतर्गत तक यू एच क्यू की भर्ती होगी। आप से अनुरोध है की सर्विसमैन एक्स सर्विसमैन के भाई या खेलों में उच्च स्तर हासिल किये हुए नौजवान जो कीमहार रेजिमेंट की बटालियनों से स्पोंसर किये गए हों और खेल महासंघ का प्रमाण पत्र  के उपरांत का हो ऐसे अभ्यर्थी जो सेना में भर्ती होना चाहते हैं वो अपना पंजीकरण एस एम एस (SMS) द्वारा इन मोबाइल नम्बरों 8871180305 या 9630141289 पर करें।

(क) खेल कोटा उम्मीदवारों के लिए – Mahar Regt Center Saugar Sports Open Rally 2024

Name____________ DOB_____________ S/o_________________

r/o_______________Distt_____________State_________________Highest Event in which participated_____________ Date of Participation_________

(ख) यू. एच. क्यू. उम्मीदवारों के लिए – UHQ Quota Relation Rally MRC Saugor

Name___________DOB______________Son/Brother Army No_______________

Rank___________ Name________________Category(Sol GD/Tdn/Clk)____________r/o_____________Distt___________State____________

3. पंजीकरण अनिवार्य होगा तथा पंजीकरण का sms मिलने के 36 घंटे प्रपति की सूचना भेजी जाएगी तथा उम्मीदवारों सात दिन के सूचित किया जायेगा की उन्हें किस दिन अपने दस्तावेजों के साथ उपस्थित होना है। अगर सूचना प्राप्त नहीं होती है तो उम्मीदवार मोबाइल नंबर 8871686608 पर संपर्क करके अपना पंजीकरण करवा सकते हैं। पंजीकरण तक किया जायेगा (सुबह 08:30 बजे से 14:00 बजे तक और 17:00 बजे से रात 20:00 बजे तक)

सन्देश दिया जायेगा

सभी एक्स सर्विसमैन

वीर नारी कार्यालय

कमांडेंट महार रेजिमेंट केंद्र

सभी यूनिट कमान अधिकारी

सभी यूनिट सूबेदार मेजर

MRC Army Relation/Sports Bharti – MAHAR Regiment Center Saugor UHQ Quota Relation and Open Sports Army Rally Bharti Program Notification 2024

MAHAR Regiment Center Saugor Relation Bharti Program:

Soldier post vacancy details Mahar Regt:

  • Soldier General Duty
  • Soldier Clerk & SKT
  • Soldier Tradesmen
  • Soldier Musician

Selection Procedure MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Army Bharti: MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation/ sports Army Recruitment Rally Bharti selection procedure will be as under:-

  • Physical Fitness Test Relation Bharti
  • Physical Measurement Test (PST)
  • Documentation Relation Bharti
  • Medical Examination/Test
  • Issue of Admit Card
  • Written Exam
  • Final Result

Mahar Regt Centre UHQ Quota Relation & Sports Army Bharti Program 2024: UHQ Quota Open Recruitment Rally for Sportsmen and relation recruitment rally will be conducted at Mahar Regt Centre Saugor Updated Soon

Date of Reporting at Mahar Regt Centre Saugor: Outstanding sportsmen candidates will report along with complete documents at Updated Soon

UHQ Quota Candidates: Son of war widow/ son of widow/ son of serivemen/ son of ex servicemen/ real brother of service & ex servicemen.

MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Army Recruitment Priority – Click Here

अनिवार्य शैक्षणिक योग्यता सैनिक लिपिक (क्लर्क)/स्टोर कीपर:- 10 + 2 / हायर सेकेंडरी सर्टीफिकेट / इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा किसी भी स्ट्रीम (कला, वाणिज्य, विज्ञान) में 60% अंकों के कुल योग के साथ एवं प्रत्येक विषय में न्यूनतम 50% अंकों के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना अनिवार्य है। आवेदक के लिए 12 वीं कक्षा में अंग्रेजी और गणित या एकाउंट्स या बुक कीपिंग विषय में 50% अंक के साथ पास होना आवश्यक है।

Eligibility Criteria for Army: MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Army Bharti Age, Education, Height, Chest, Weight, Physical eligibility criteria will be as under:-

Marital Status for Army Bharti: Married candidates who are less than 21 yrs of age are not eligible for enrollment in the army. Any candidate below 21 years married to the widow of the deceased brother are eligible for instant enrolment, the case for waiver of the QR will be considered by Integrated HQ of MoD (Army) on case to case basis.

Age Limit Indian Army Recruitment

  • Soldier GD/Sol (Dvr)/SHGD: Age Limit Sol GD, Sol GD (Dvr)/SHGD for MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Army Bharti will be 17 ½ to 21 years age.
  • Soldier Clerk/SKT, Sol Tech: Age limit for Sol Clerk/ SKT, Sol Tech, Sol NA will be 17 ½ to 23 years of age.

Education Qualification Required for Army Recruitment

Education Qualification Soldier GD MAHAR Regt Center Saugor: Minimum Education Qualification for Sol GD category candidates will be High School or Metric or SSLC or 10th Class pass from Education Boards/ recognized Institutions is eligible for MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation Bharti as Sol GD.

  • Percentage of Marks for Sol GD: A candidate must score minimum 33% marks in each subject and 45% in aggregate for recruitment as Soldier General Duty in MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation Bharti.
  • Additional Subjects: Additional Subjects are not applicable for calculation of percentage in Soldier GD category.
  • Education Boards Grading System: Minimum of D grade (33-40) in individual subjects or grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate of C2 grade (41-50) points is considered eligible for recruitment as Soldier GD with marks stipulation in MAHAR Regt Center Saugor.
  • Higher Qualifications 10+2 Sol GD: Intermediate or 10+2 pass or more qualified candidates need not have 45% marks in High School/ Metric/ SSLC /10th class.

Note: Vocational Subjects: Candidates with 10+2 Vocational Subjects are not eligible for Soldier Technical & Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper Technical categories. They can apply for Soldier Tradesman / Soldier General Duty if meeting required percentage of marks in Class 10th.

Education Qualification Soldier Technical Group X,Y10+2 / Higher Secondary /Intermediate exam passed in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject from Education Boards/ Institutions recognized.

Education Qualification Sol Clerk/SKT Bharti: Minimum Education Qualification required for soldier clerk/ store keeper technical in the army is as under:-

  • Should have secured 50% marks in each subject and 60% marks in aggregate in Class XII.
  • Should have studied English and Maths / Accts / Book Keeping in Class XII and should have secured min 50% marks in each of these subjects.
  • Even, if a candidates is a graduate or has a higher qualification, percentage of marks scored in Class XII would be applicable towards his eligibility.
  • Typing Test Sol Clerk: Typing Test of 10 minutes duration will be administered once phase – II of the Revised Recruitment System is implemented as part of the online computer based examination for Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical / Inventory Management categories (If revised system is implemented).
  • अनिवार्य शैक्षणिक योग्यता:- सैनिक लिपिक (क्लर्क)/स्टोर कीपर: 12वीं या समकक्ष पास (कला,वाणिज्य या विज्ञान विषयो में) कम से कम 60 प्रतिशत अंक और प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम 50 प्रतिशत अंको के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए। (10वीं या 12वीं में अंग्रेजी तथा गणित में कम से कम 50 प्रतिशत अंको के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए। यदि प्रार्थी स्नातक या उच्च शिक्षा उत्तीर्ण है तब भी 12वीं के अंकों का प्रतिशत लागू होना अनिवार्य है।
  • Question Paper Clerk: For Clerk category, the entire question paper (all 50 questions) will be attempted on OMR Sheet and no separate subjective answer sheet will be used for English section.
  • Note: Even if a candidate is graduate or has a higher qualification, percentage of marks scored in class 12th would be applicable toward his eligibility.

Education Qualification for Soldier NA in AMC: Minimum Education Qualification for AMC Relation & Sports Army Recruitment Rally Bharti is under:-

  • Minimum 10+2/ Intermediate exam passed in science with Physics, chemistry, Biology and English from Education Boards/ Institutions recognized for enrollment as compulsory with 40% marks in each subject and a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
  • In case of a graduate having BSc Degree (Botany/ Zoology/ Bio Science) and English (Simple Pass) the stipulation of percentage in class 12th is not mandatory.
  • Additional Subjects are not applicable for calculation of percentage.
  • Note: In case of a graduate having BSc Degree (Botany/ Zoology/ Bio Science) and English (Simple Pass) the stipulation of percentage in class 12th is not mandatory for recruitment in Army Medical Corps.

Education Qualification Soldier Tradesman : Minimum Education for Sol Tdn 10th Class Pass for chef, Washerman, Dresser, Steward, Tailor, Artisan Wood Work), Artisan (Metallurgy), Support Staff (ER), Artisan Construction) and all other trades 10th simple pass/ ITI Qualification in respective trades. Only candidates who have undertaken class X Board Exam would be considered for MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Army Bharti. Education for Sol Tdn 8th Pass: Minimum Qualification for Soldier Tdn 8th Class Pass for House Keeper, Mess Keeper and Syce.

Indian Army Physical Fitness Test (PFT) : In PFT for Recruitment Rally Bharti 1600 meter race, pull ups (beam), 9 ft jump (ditch) and zig zag (Body Balance on Zig Zag) will be tested as under:-

PFT for All Trade/Category: PFT for Soldier GD, Soldier Tech, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk, Sol SKT, Soldier Tdn, Soldier Phorma for army recruitment rally bharti will be as under:-

1600 Meter Race (1 Mile run or 1.6 Km Run): Running Group & Marks 

  • Group I: Run within 5 Minutes and 30 Seconds – 60 Marks
  • Group II: From 5 Minutes 31 Seconds to 5 Minutes 45 sec- 48 Marks

Beam (Pull Ups) : Number of pull ups and Marks

  • 10 Pull Ups on beam – 40 Marks
  • 9 Pull ups on beam – 33 Marks
  • 8 Pull ups on beam – 27 Marks
  • 7 Pull ups on beam – 21 Marks
  • 6 Pull ups on beam – 16 Marks

Balance (Zig Zag): No marks are awarded, should be qualified.

9 Feet Jump: No marks are awarded, should be qualified.

Relaxation of Height, Weight, Chest in Physical Standard for Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti 

Army Bharti Physical Relaxation: Relaxation in Physical, Height, Weight, Chest, Written Exam in Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti for son of serving/ son ex servicemen/ son of ward widows/ son of widows. Relaxation in physical standard and bonus marks for Soldier GD, Soldier Clk/ SKT, Soldier Technical, Soldier Tech (Avn & Amn), Soldier NA, Soldier Tradesmen, Sepoy Pharma, Hav SAC will be as under:-

Indian Army Rally BhartiRelaxation in Height Weight and Chest
यूनिट हेडक्वार्टर्स कोटा सेना रैली लेटेस्ट अपडेट Click Here
Relaxation Applicable toHeightWeightChest
Son of servicemen/ Son of
Ex Servicemen/ Son of War
Widow/ Son of Widow
02 cm02 kg01 cm
Adopted son/ son-in-law
(if she has no son) of a
War Widows of Army
02 cm02 kg01 cm
Sportsmen who have
represented India at
International level, or
State at National level
02 cm05 kg03 cm
Sportsmen who have
represented District at
State level and University
or Regional team at State/
National level and secured
1st or 2nd position
02 cm05 kg03 cm

Relaxation in Written Exam & Bonus Marks for Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti 

NCC & SOS/SOEX Candidates: Relaxation in written examination and award of bonus marks for Soldier GD, Soldier Clerk/ SKT, Soldier Technical, Soldier Tech (Avn & Amn), Soldier NA, Soldier Tradesman (Sol Tdn), Sepoy Pharma, Hav SAC category to join Indian army job recruitment rally bharti to son/ward of service/ex servicemen (SOS/ SOEX/ SOWW/ SOW) and NCC candidates will be as under:-

Category of CandidatesSoldier
Sol Clk/ SKT,
Sol Tech, Sol
Tech(Avn & Amn),
Sol NA
Son of Servicemen /Son of
Ex-Servicemen/ Son of War
Widow /Son of Widow
(One Son only)
20 Marks20 Marks20 Marks
NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders
who have participated in
Republic Day Parade
NCC ‘C’ Certificate HolderExempted
15 MarksExempted
NCC ‘B’ Certificate Holder10 Marks10 Marks10 Marks
NCC ‘A’ Certificate Holder05 Marks05 Marks05 Marks
Candidates having O+ Level
Computer Certificate issued
by DOEACC Society
-15 Marks-

Bonus Marks for Sportsman in Written for Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti 

Army Sportsman Bharti Chhoot: Relaxation in written examination and award of bonus marks for Sportsmen in Soldier GD, Soldier Clerk/ SKT, Soldier Tech, Soldier Tech (Avn & Amn), Soldier NA, Soldier Tradesman (Sol Tdn), Sepoy Pharma, Hav SAC category to join Indian army recruitment rally bharti will be as under:-

Sol Clk/SKT,
Sol Tech,
Sol NA,
Candidates Represented
India at International level
20 Marks20 Marks20 Marks
Candidates Represented
State at National level
15 Marks15 Marks15 Marks
Represented District at State
level & secured 1st/ 2nd
10 Marks10 Marks10 Marks
Represented University or
Regional Team at State/
National level & secured
1st/ 2 nd position
05 Marks05 Marks05 Marks

Minimum Physical Standard Required for UHQ Quota Relation Rally Bharti

Physical Standard: Minimum physical standard height, chest, weight required for Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti for candidates of all Indian states for Soldier General Duty, Soldier Technical, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk/ SKT, Soldier Pharma, Soldier Tradesmen, RT JCO, JCO catering, Hav (SAC) are as under:-

State Height
in cm
in cm
in kg
Agniveer Army Physical Height, Weight & ChestSoldier GD,
Soldier Tdn
Soldier Tech,
NA, Soldier
Agniveer Rally Physical J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand & Hill Area
of Punjab, Chandigarh army bharti height, chest & weight.
163 163 162 77 48
Agniveer Rally Physical Sikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam, Hill Region of West Bengal (Gangtok, Darjeeling and Kalimpong) army bharti height, chest & weight.160 157 160 77 48
Agniveer Rally Physical Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh,
Delhi, Rajasthan and Western
Uttar Pradesh (Meerut and
Agra Division)army bharti height, chest & weight.
170 170 162 77 50
Agniveer Rally Physical Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Jharkhand and Orissa army bharti height, chest & weight.169 169 162 77 50
Agniveer Rally Physical Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Dadar,
Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu army bharti height, chest & weight.
168 167 162 *77 50
Agniveer Rally Physical Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa and Puducherry army bharti height, chest & weight.166 165 162 77 50

Special Physical Standard for Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti 

Special Physical Standard: Minimum special physical standard height, chest, weight required for Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti for candidates of all Indian states for Soldier General Duty, Soldier Technical, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk/ SKT, Soldier Pharma, Soldier Tradesmen, RT JCO, JCO catering, Hav (SAC) are as under:-

Agniveer Physical
Standard for Indian Army Recruitment
in cm
in cm
in kg
Women Soldier NE States Gurkha & hilly area148The candidate should be capable of chest expansion of 05 cms.As per Age & Height
Ladakhi157 77/5 सेना में भर्ती होने के लिए उम्मीदवारों का वजन सेना चिकित्सा मानकों के अनुसार ऊंचाई और उम्र के अनुपात में होना चाहिए।
Weight should be Proportionate to height and age as per Army Medical standards for all candidates.
Gorkhas both Nepalese and Indian157 77/5
Tribals of Recognized Tribal Areas162 77/5
*Clerk (Staff Duty) / Store Keeper Technical162 77/5
RT JCO (Gorkhas & Ladakhi region
Medium Artillery170 77/5
The Brigade of Guards173 77/5
Corps of Military Police173 77/5
Candidates from Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep Group of Islands including Minicoy
a) Selters
b) Local
Soldier TradesmenMinimum physical standards of the regions given above, minus 1 Cm chest and 2 Kg weight. Ht criteria would be as par with Soldier General Duty as relevant to the region.
JCO Catering (ASC) / Survey Automated
Cartographer (Engineers) / Havildar
Education/Sepoy Pharma
As applicable to Soldier General Duty for various regions.
Note:* Regional physical standards lower than the standards laid down zone wise will be applicable to clerical candidates belonging to those region.

MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Bharti Job Info: MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Job Information about Application, Location, Type of Army Bharti Rally and other UHQ Quota relation & sports army bharti information are given below:-

Organization Join Indian Army
Type of Job
Indian Army Job
Job LocationAll India & Abroad
Soldier PostSoldier GD, Tech,
NA, Clk, SKT,
Musician, Tdn &
Army Bharti All India Relation &
Sports Army Bharti
Online Application Start DateAgniveer Relation Bharti Notification is awaited
Online Application Last DateAgniveer Relation Bharti Notification is awaited
Place of Army
Rally Bharti
Regimental Center

Medical Test/Medical Exam Army Bharati: Candidates for relation/ sports Army Bharti found eligible in Physical Fitness Test, Physical Measurement Test will have to go through medical examination. All candidates are advised to visit on Medical Test Preparation Tips for easily success in Medical Test and, you must visit on “How Medical Exam is done” during army medical test of Complete Body” also study “Causes of Medical Unfit/अनफिट होने के कारण.

Admit Card MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation/Sports Army Bharti: Admit Card/Hall Ticket for Written Examination will be issued on completion of PFT, PMT and Medical Test to the candidates.Admit Card for Medical Unfit/Review candidates will be issued on receipt of Fitness Certificate from concerned Military Hospital.

MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Written Examination: Date, Time, Place for army written examination (common entrance examination), CEE will be given in the admit card with instructions of the written examination. Information about category/ trade wise army written exam syllabus and army exam pattern, army exam preparation tips, Sample paper and model paper for practice and study for success in written examination.

Army Written Exam Syllabus/Exam Pattern: MAHAR Regt Center Saugor, Army Written Exam Syllabus, Subjects, Exam Pattern, Army Exam Question Paper and Marks, Minus Marking System for Written Exam Soldier General Duty, Soldier SHGD, Soldier, Tech, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk/ SKT, Soldier Tdn details given below:-

TradeSubjectPaperPass MarksQuestionsMarks per questionNegative Marks
Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment Rally Program 2024Click Here
भारतीय सेना परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें
Agniveer GD
GK, Gen
Science &
100/355002½ Mark
Agniveer TdnGK &
100/325002½ Mark
Agniveer TechGK, Phy,
Chem &
200/8050 041 Mark
Agniveer NAGK, Bio,
Physics &
200/8050041 Mark
Agniveer ClerkGK & Gen
s, Maths
& Cmputer
Part I100/4025 041 Mark
Part II100/40 25 041 Mark
Agniveer SurveyorMathematics Part I100/4050021 Mark
Physics Part II50/2025021 Mark
ChemistryPart II50/2025021 Mark
Religious Teacher RT JCOGeneral
Paper I100/4050021 Mark
Knowledge of religious domainPaper II100/4050021 Mark
JCO RT Interview Interview-100/50---

Addition of PFT Marks in Army Written Exam: PFT Marks added in final merit list in preparation of army merit list for Sol GD, Sol Tech, Sol NA, Sol Clk, Sol SKT, Sol Tdn for recruitment in army rally bharti details given below in the table:-

CategoryPFT Total
Written Exam
Total Marks
Soldier Clerk /
Store Keeper

Contact Details HQ MAHAR Regt Center Saugor: Contact Number, Postal Address, E-Mail ID of MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Centre is as under:-

MAHAR Regt Center Saugor, Madhya Pradesh Pin-470001, India

Document Required for Indian Army Rally Bharti: Click here for preparation of following army bharati documents. Candidates are required to bring following documents/certificates in original with two attested photocopies with them to the rally site :-

Admit Card: Printed with Laser Printer on good quality paper (Do not shrink the size) (If applicable).

Photograph: Twenty copies of unattested Passport size colour photographs developed on good quality photographic paper in white background not more than three months old. Computer printouts/ photoshopped photographs will NOT be accepted.

Education Certificate: Education Certificates with marks sheet in original of all educational qualifications achieved by candidate i.e Martic/Intermediate/Graduation etc from recognised School/College/ Board/ University. Provisional/Online education certificate should be certified ink signed by the head of the educational institution of concerned Board/University. Candidates with matric certificates from open school should bring school leaving certificate countersigned by BEO/DEO.

Domicile Certificate: Domicile Certificate with photograph issued by Teshildar/ District Magistrate.

Caste Certificate: Caste Certificate affixed with photograph (Maharashtra State does not issue with photograph of the candidate issued by the Tehsildar/District Magistrate).

Religion Certificate: Religion Certificate issued by the Teshildar/SDM (if religion as “SIKH/HINDU/ MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN” is not mentioned in caste certificate.

School Character Certificate: School character certificate issued by the School/College Principal/ headmaster where the candidate last studied.

Character Certificate: Character Certificate with photograph issued by Village Sarpanch/ Muncipal Corporation within last six months.

Unmarried Certificate: Unmarried Certificate for candidates less than 21 years of age with photographs issued by village Sarpanch/ Muncipal Corporation within last six months.

Relationship Certificate: SOS/SOEX/SOW/SOWW candidate are required to provide the following documents :-

Relationship certificate: Relationship certificate issued from respective records office only duly signed by records Officer with Personal number, Rank , Name and particular of the records officer issuing the relationship Certificate with office seal/stamp is endorsed.
Original Discharge Book of Ex-Serviceman also to be produced, Name and date of birth of the candidate must have been recorded in it.

NCC Certificate: NCC A/B/C certificates and Republic Day Parade certificate should have photograph of the candidate duly attested by issuing authority Provisional NCC A/B/C pass certificates will only be accepted if authenticated by concerned NCC Group Commanders.
Affidavit: Duly signed by candidate on Rs 10/- No-judicial Stamp paper as per specimen duly attested by notary will be submitted by candidate.

Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & AADHAR Card: Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & Aadhar Card are mandatory documents for final selection for purpose of pay and allowances and other social benefits scheme.

Sports Certificate Under Sports Quota Army Bharti

National/International Level: Sportsmen who have represented India at International level and State at National level within the last two years. For list of sports under which relaxation in physical standards is admissible attention is invited to website.

District/State Level: Sportsmen who have represented District at State Level and University team or regional team at District level with 1 st/2nd position within last two years. Sports certificates should be with registration number and from govt recognised sports institutes/bodies as under:-

  • All Senior/Junior National Championship Certificate – Respective National Federation.
  • All State & Dist level Certificates – Respective State Sports Association.
  • All University level Certificate – Inter University Sports Board.
  • All School level certificate – All India School Games Federation.

Indian Army Written Exam Syllabus With Subjects/Topics 


Abbreviations (संक्षिप्त नाम, लघुरूप): National and International (राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय). जैसे – UNO, United Nations Organisation का Abbreviation है or ‘Goods and Services Tax’ का संक्षिप्त नाम GST है. भारत के राष्ट्रीय प्रतीक

Sports(खेल): National and International (राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय). खेल कूद सम्बंधित पूछे जाने वाले मत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न के लिए – Click Here

Awards and Prizes (पुरस्कार एवं इनाम): National awards, Gallantry awards, Nobel Prizes (राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार, वीरता पुरस्कार, नोबेल पुरस्कार).

History(इतिहास) in Soldier GD Syllabus: Important dates & battles in Indian and World History and land marks of Indian History, national movement. भारतीय एवं विश्व इतिहास के महत्वपूर्ण युद्ध तथा तिथियां, भारतीय इतिहास के मुख्य केंद्र बिंदु एवं राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन। भारतीय इतिहास एवं संस्कृति के 101 महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न – Click here

Geography भूगोल: Solar System Space exploration, The earth principal peaks, Deserts, Rivers, Lakes and famous waterfalls, Geographical Tallest, Biggest and Longest etc.

Terminology शब्दावली: Geographical terms, Economic terms, Astronomical terms, Legal terms and Misc terms.

United Nations Organisation (UNO) संयुक्त राष्ट्र संगठन, Indian Armed Forces, Indian Towns, States and Uts, Institutions and Research Stations, International space Stations and Festivals of India and World, Indian News Agencies and Dailies, Continents and Sub Continents, Inventions and Discoveries, Environment, The Constitution of India, Religious communities and Principal Languages, National and International Days, International Organizations, Books and Authors The world of Plants and animals and Current Affairs and “Who’s Who”.

Note: The above syllabus is not a comprehensive list of topics pertaining to the subject. At times questions may be asked other than the above topics but definitely within the syllabus of CBSE.

नोट: उपरोक्त पाठ्यक्रम इस विषय से संबंधित विषयों की एक व्यापक सूची नहीं है। कभी-कभी प्रश्नों के ऊपर दिए गए विषयों के अलावा अन्य प्रश्न पूंछे जा सकते है लेकिन वे प्रश्न निश्चित रूप से सीबीएसई के पाठ्यक्रम के अंतर्गत होंगे।


Human Body: Food and nutrition, diseases and prevention, vitamins and their uses.

Physics, Chemistry and Biology: Question of General Science consisting of topic related to Physics, Chemistry and Biology, based on fundamentals and day to day activities. Medical Terms, Scientific Terms, Scientific and Research Institutes in India.

IO/Numeral Ability. The questions will be based on the ability of the candidates of age group ranging between 16 & 20 years. Selection Procedure Sol GD-Click


Fundamental Arithmetical Operations: मौलिक अंकगणितीय संचालन HCF, LCM, Decimal fraction, Percentages, Ratio and Proportion, Square roots, Averages, Interest (Simple and Compound), Profit and Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Time and distance, Time and work.

Algebra बीजगणित: Basic operations and factorization, HCF and LCM, quadratic equations.

Geometry रेखागणित: Lines and angles, triangles quadrilaterals, parallelograms and circles.

Mensuration क्षेत्रमिति: Triangle, Quadrilaterals, Regular Polygons, Circle etc.

Trigonometry त्रिकोणमिति: Trigonometry, trigonometric ratios, complementary angles, height and distances etc. त्रिकोणमिति, त्रिकोणमितीय अनुपात, पूरक कोण, ऊंचाई और दूरी इत्यादि.

All India Regimental Cener Relation and Sports Army Bharti – CLICK HERE

Relaxation in Height, weight, Chest, Relaxation in Written Exam – CLICK HERE

Defence Job Info Schedule 2024

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Indian Army Syllabus 2024Click Here

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Arty Centre Army Rally 2024Click Here
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All India Army Rally Bharti Program 2024Click Here
भारतीय सेना परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम की पूरी जानकारी हिंदी एवं अंग्रेजी मेंClick Here
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दवाओं का प्रयोग: सेना में भर्ती होने वाले सभी उम्मीदवारों को शारीरिक प्रदर्शन बढ़ाने वाली दवाओं का इस्तेमाल न करने की सलाह दी जाती है। भर्ती रैली के दौरान उम्मीदवारों पर प्रदर्शन बढ़ाने वाली दवाओं के उपयोग के लिए आकस्मिक जांच की जाएगी। ऐसी किसी भी दवा का उपयोग सख्त वर्जित है। दोषी पाए जाने पर, उम्मीदवार को भर्ती प्रक्रिया से निकाल दिया जाएगा।

सेना में भर्ती होने के लिए दलालों एवं धोखेबाजों से सावधान

MAHAR Regt Center Sagar Relation Sports Bharti 2024. UHQ Quota Army Recruitment Rally Mahar Regt 2024

Thanks Candidates, For more information about MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Army Job Info, You can be Stay with us on this web page be visit this page to get new updates and new upcoming job notification information about of HQ Mahar Regt Center Saugor Army Bharti 2024 Relation & Sportsman Rally Bharati details, MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Online Registration, Mahar Regt Center Saugor Admit Card & Results Full Details, Mahar Regt Center Saugor Date Sheet, Call Latter, Exam Syllabus, Exam Pattern and new notification of Indian Army Department Job Information.

MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation Bharti Rally. Mahar Regt Center Saugor Bharti notification. Mahar Regt Center Saugor Army Bharti Date. MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation Bharti date. Date for relation bharti at MAHAR Regt Center Saugor. Army Sports Rally Bhart at Saugor. Mahar Regt Center Saugor army relation bharti. MAHAR Regt Center Saugor Relation Bharti Rally Notification. MAHAR Regt Center Saugor relation bharti date at MAHAR Regt Center Saugor. Joinindianarmy relation and sports army rally bharti notification Mahar Regt Center Saugor.

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17 Responses to “MAHAR UHQ Quota Relation & Sports Recruitment Rally 2024 MRC UHQ Relation Recruitment Rally Bharti 2024”
  1. Brijesh Vishwakarma July 20, 2019
  2. Pradeep yadav. August 8, 2019
    • JobInfoGuru August 10, 2019
  3. Akash kumar August 16, 2019
    • JobInfoGuru August 16, 2019
      • Ranveer singh September 19, 2019
  4. Atul August 17, 2019
  5. Atul August 17, 2019
  6. Mo Inamul August 20, 2019
  7. Atul August 23, 2019
    • Saroj Roy January 21, 2020
    • Pavan Ramkrushana Jadhav March 16, 2020
      • JobInfoGuru March 31, 2020
  8. Brijesh Vishwakarma September 14, 2019
  9. Ranveer singh September 19, 2019
  10. Anil singh sikarwar May 24, 2020
  11. DEEPAK CHAHAR January 4, 2021

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