Medical Test Army Recruitment Rally 2024 Indian Army Medical Test for Male & Female2

Agniveer Medical Test

Indian Army Medical Exam 2024: Complete body medical test of soldier candidate is done during Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti by the Recruiting Medical Board. Detailed Info how to medical test of a candidates is carried out from top to bottom of body including open and private parts?. Medical Exam Indian Army, Medical Test Indian Army Bharati, Medical procedure army rally bharti, Soldier medical selection procedure, how a candidate fit in army bharti ?, Causes of Unfit for Army Bharti, Action on declaration of unfit during medical exam, Review to specialist in case of unfit for army recruitment. UHQ Quota relation bharti medical test. Complete details for army medical exam/army recruitment rally bharti medical test are given below. Army Medical Exam/Medical Test Army Recruitment Rally Indian Army Medical Test Boys and Girls:-

Indian Army Medical Test Instructions for Army Recruitment Medical Examination

Medical Examination Preparation Tips: Candidates must ensure the following tips before proceeding for medical test for recruitment in Army/ Navy/ Air Force/ Police/ Paramilitary Forces or other department:-

Medical Test ki taiyari kaise karen. Instructions before Army Medical Exam:-

  • Take proper hair cut before medical test;
  • Clean your ears wax with doctor before medical exam;
  • Contact Doctor to check your eyes before medical test;
  • Private parts of body Hair must removed for medical exam including Axilla (बगल/काँख).
  • Take proper nail cut before proceeding for medical test;
  • Take Proper Bath before medical examination;
  • Ensure Teeth have been cleaned before medical test;
  • Ensure have taken proper mouth wash/Tooth Brush/Paste;
  • Wearing garments must be neat and clean during medical examination including Kachchha Banian;
  • Ensure if your old wearing/tearing garments must be stitched and washed; सुनिश्चित करें की आप के कपडे यदि फटें हों तो उनकी सिलाई अवश्य होनी चाहिए जिसमे आप के कच्छे एवं बनियान भी शामिल हैं.
  • Ensure that there is no sweat body bad smell during medical test;
  • Remove your rings/chain/any other ornaments and wrist watch before medical examination;
  • Ensure you are in position of your identity/authority documents are with you before proceeding for Medical Inspection for Recruitment;
  • You have to ensure that a drinking water bottle always must be kept with your bag during recruiting process;
  • Always have a keep smiling face during medical examination Indian Army Rally Bharti.

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Medical Exam Complete Body Top to Bottom Indian Army Recruitment

Medical Exam of Head/Nick: There should be no head injury/ disease/ disability in head. The following medical examination of head/ neck will be done by the medical officer. सिर में चोट / बीमारी / विकलांगता नहीं होनी चाहिए। मेडिकल अफसर तो सिर और गर्दन का मेडिकल टेस्ट निम्नलिखित प्रकार से क्या जायेगा:-

  • The Medical Officer will note the intelligence, character of voice, and power of hearing of the recruit by the replies to questions put to him. Have you had any blows or cuts to the head?
  • The Medical Officer examines the neck, scalp, ears, eyes and eyelids, nostrils, mouth, teeth and palate, and tells the recruit to say loudly “who comes there?”
  • He is looking for injuries of the head, deafness, defect of the voice, polypus of nose, tubercular ulceration, glandular enlargements, and defects of the eyes and teeth. Squint or any morbid condition of the eye or eyelid will case rejection of the recruit.

Medical Exam Ears, Throat: The hearing should be normal. A candidate should be able to hear a forced whisper with each ear at a distance of 610 cm in a quiet room. There should be no evidence of present or past disease of the ear and throat.

Voice Test in Army Recruitment: During voice medical test for armed forces there should be no Stammering/ Stuttering in sound voice – स्वर परीक्षण में आवाज में हकलाहट नहीं होना चाहिए।

Dental Test/Examination of Teeth: For army recruitment candidates should have sufficient number of natural healthy gum and teeth i.e. minimum 14 dental points. The acceptance or rejection of a recruit on account of loss or decay of teeth will depend upon the consideration of relative position of the sound teeth and the physical condition of the recruit. The loss of many teeth in a man of indifferent constitution would point to rejection, while a robust recruit who had lost the same number of teeth might be accepted.

Nose Medical Test: There should be no evidence of present or past disease of the nose. There should be no DNS (Deviated Nasal Septum) nose disease.

Eyes Medical Test: A candidate should be able to read 6/6 in a distant vision chart with each eye without glasses for Soldier GD and should be 6/9 for Soldier Tech and other categories.

Visual Standard Test. The visual standards for Infantry Soldier GD, Driver (Other than Animal Transport Drivers), GD (AFV), Gunner (GD) (AAD, DMT, DS DPMT and MP will be 6/6 each eyes (Uncorrected without glasses or contact lenses).

Colour Blindness Test: Candidates eyes should be free from color blindness. Colour vision should be CP – III (able to recognize white, red and green signal colours correctly as shown by Martin’s Lantern at 1.5 meters).

Shoulder Medical Test: Both the shoulder should be normal. 

Hand/Elbow/Finger Medical Test: In the Army medical exam of a soldier recruit both the hands/elbow/fingers are checked and same should normal and free from fracture/bone diseases.

Chest Check up: Chest for army recruitment should be healthy and minimum range of expansion after full inspiration should be 5 cms. The Medical Examiner will check the following:-

  • The Medical Officer examines the abdominal walls and parieties of the chest.
  • The Medical Officer desires the recruit to take in a full breath several times, while he watches the action and notes the capacity of the chest. Careful stethoscopic examination of the lungs is made.
  • The Medical Officer examines the action of the heart, and notes its sounds.

Heart Beat Medical Test: Heart Beating should be normal. There should be no sign of functional or organic disease of the heart.

Abdominal Medical Test: The muscles of abdomen should be well developed and there should be no enlargement of liver or spleen. Any evidence of disease of internal organs of the abdomen will be  a cause for rejection from army/navy/air force/police recruitment.

Hernias Medical Exam: Un-operated hernias will make a candidate unfit. If operated, this should have been done at least 1 year prior to the present examination and healing is completed.

Urine Examination: Urine medical examination will be done and any abnormality, if detected will be a cause for rejection from army recruitment.

Skin Diseases: A candidate for army recruitment rally bharti should be free from skin diseases.

Medical Test Private Parts of the Body: All the private parts of the body are checked during recruitment rally medical examination, In this medical test Penis Test, Ovaries Test, Anal Test are medically tested. Candidates should be free from diseases like STD, AIDS, Piles, Hydrocele (अण्डकोष का बढ़ना)  and other skin diseases.

Knock Knee Medical Test: Knock knees are deformities at the knee, in which knees of a standing person touches each others but not the ankles. In other words, in a normal standing position, a person with knock knees has gap between ankles  but not between knees.

Flat Foot Medical Test:  Armed Forces require a high standard of physical fitness during peace & war. During standing position of a person, absence of an arch in the sole of the foot that causes the foot to lie flat is  known as flat feet in medical terms. In order to be physically fit one has to run fast and long distances during his training and during entire course of service also.

Tatoo/Engraving. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearm i.e from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/back (dorsal) side of hand. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from further selection. Tribes with tattoo mark on the face or body as per their existing custom and traditions will be permitted on a case to case basis.


Important Point for Medical Examination for Recruitment

  • The candidate must be in good physical and mental health and free from any diseases;
  • A candidature should not have any bodily defects or over weight;
  • A candidate should have no past history of mental breakdown or fits;
  • Blood pressure should be normal;
  • There should be no disease of bones and joints of the body;
  • Any disease of the skin which is likely to cause disability or disfigurement will also be a cause for rejection;

What are the Main Points in the Medical Exam of Male/Female  During Medical Test? 

Military Medical Exam: Medical Examination of Boys and Girls  Complete Parts of Body in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Police and other Armed Force Medical Test:-

  • That the recruit is sufficiently intelligent;
  • That his vision, with either eye, is up to the required standard;
  • That his hearing is good;
  • That his speech is without impediment;
  • That he has no glandular swellings;
  • That his chest is capacious and well formed, and that his heart and lungs are sound;
  • That he is not ruptured in any degree or form;
  • That the limbs are well formed and fully developed;
  • That there is free and perfect motion of all the joints;
  • That the feet and toes are well formed;
  • That he has no congenital malformation or defects;
  • That he does not bear traces of previous acute or chronic disease pointing to an impaired constitution;
  • That he possesses a sufficient number of sound teeth for efficient mastication.

Medical Exam Male/Female Recruitment, Causes of Medical Unfit in Recruitment

Causes of Rejection in Medical Test:  General conditions of rejection of a Candidate in medical test for boys and girls in the army/navy/Air Force/armed forces recruitment due to the following few reasons:-

  •  Indication of tubercular disease; क्षय रोग संबंधी बिमारियों से ग्रसित नहीं होना चाहिए।
  •  Constitutional syphilis; सैद्धांतिक उपदंश रोग से  ग्रसित नहीं होना चाहिए।
  •  Bronchial or laryngeal disease; लघु अथवा सूक्ष्म श्वासनलिकाऔं सम्बन्धी बीमारी से मुक्त होना चाहिए।
  •  Palpitation or other diseases of the heart; दिल की धड़कन या अन्य बीमारियाँ नहीं होनी चाहिए।
  •  Generally impaired constitution; शारीरिक बनावट साधारणतः ठीक होनी चाहिए।
  •  Under standard of vision; आँखों की दृष्टि मानक के अनुसार होनी चाहिए।
  •  Defects of voice or hearing; स्वर या सुनने की कमी नहीं होनी चाहिए।
  •  Pronounced stammering; शब्दों का उच्चारण शुद्ध हाना चाहिए।
  •  Loss or decay of teeth to such an extent as to materially interfere with efficient mastication; दन्त क्षय रहित होना चाहिए।
  •  Contraction or deformity of chest or joints; छाती एवं जोड़ों का संकुचन या विकृति नहीं होनी चाहिए।
  •  Abnormal curvature of spine; रीढ़ की असामान्य वक्रता नहीं होनी चाहिए।
  •  Defective intelligence; बुद्धिमत्ता कुशल होनी चाहिए।
  •  Hernia; हार्निया मुक्त होना चाहिए।
  •  Haemorrhoids; बवासीर की बीमारी नहीं होनी चाहिए।
  •  Varicose veins or varicocele, if severe; शरीर की नसों में असामान्य तौर पर सूजन नहीं होनी चाहिए।
  •  Inveterate cutaneous disease; त्वचा सम्बन्धी रोग नहीं होना चाहिए।
  •  Chronic ulcers; जीर्ण अल्सर नहीं होना चाहिए।
  •  Fistula; नासूर नहीं होना चाहिए।
  •  Or any disease or physical defect calculated to unfit them for the duties of a soldier. किसी भी अन्य प्रकार की बीमारी या शारीरिक दोष नहीं होनी चाहिए।

Indian Army Age Limit Soldier Category – Trade Wise 

Indian Army Agniveer
Category & Trade
Age Limit in Years
Agniveer GD/
17 ½ - 21 Yrs
Agniveer Clerk
17 ½ - 21 Yrs
Agniveer Pharma19 - 25 Yrs
Agniveer Technical17 ½ - 21 Yrs
Agniveer NA17 ½ - 21 Yrs
Agniveer Tdn17 ½ - 21 Yrs
Hav Education 20 - 25 Yrs
Hav Surveyor
20 - 25 Yrs
Catering JCO21 - 27 Yrs
Dharm Shikshak
27 - 34 Yrs
TA18 - 42 Yrs
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सेना में भर्ती होने के लिए दलालों एवं धोखेबाजों से सावधान

भारतीय सेना भर्ती संगढन के अधकारियों के साथ सम्बन्ध होने का दावा करने वाला कोई भी ब्यक्ति अभ्यर्थी को भर्ती करवाने का वादा कर सकता है और इसी बहाने वह पैसा भी वसूल कर सकता है। हम यह दावे के साथ कहना चाहेंगे कि ऐसा कुछ भी संभव नहीं है। रक्षा मंत्रालय (सेना) द्वारा कॉल-अप लेटर और प्रवेश-पत्र जारी किये जाते है। उत्तर- पुस्तिकाओं का मूलयांकन, परिणाम, शारीरिक स्वस्थता जांच और डाक्टरी जाँच सेना भर्ती मुख्यालय, द्वारा नामित की गई विभिन्न स्वतंत्र टीमों द्वारा की जाती है। अतः किसी दलाल के झांसे में आने से पहले अच्छी तरह सोचे। यदि आप यह सोचते हैं कि गैर क़ानूनी ढंग से काम कराये जा सकते हैं तो आपको कुछ भी हासिल नहीं हो सकता है। आपको सलाह दी जाती है की आप देश के कानून का पालन करने वाले नागरिक की तरह आचरण करें और अनुचित साधनो का प्रयोग करने से बचें। अपने माता पिता की गाढ़ी कमाई का पैसा किसी दलाल को न दें

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दवाओं का प्रयोग: सेना में भर्ती होने वाले सभी उम्मीदवारों को शारीरिक प्रदर्शन बढ़ाने वाली दवाओं का इस्तेमाल न करने की सलाह दी जाती है। भर्ती रैली के दौरान उम्मीदवारों पर प्रदर्शन बढ़ाने वाली दवाओं के उपयोग के लिए आकस्मिक जांच की जाएगी। ऐसी किसी भी दवा का उपयोग सख्त वर्जित है। दोषी पाए जाने पर, उम्मीदवार को भर्ती प्रक्रिया से निकाल दिया जाएगा।

Important Search Link: IMA Medical Exam, NDA Medical Test, OTA Medical Test, Military Medical Examination, Medical Examination Procedure Army, Navy, Air Force, Police Force Bharati. How medical test is done during recruitment. Medical test kaise hota hai, Bharti ke samay chikitsa prakriya. Medical me fit kaise hon, medical test me unfit hone ke kya karan hote hain?. Army relation bharti medical, Sports bharti medical army, navy air force. What action will be taken before medical test. Medical test ki taiyari kaise karen, sena me medical test kaise hota hai?. Medical Exam Notification Indian army, navy IAF. Medical Exam Result Army, Navy, Air Force.

58 Responses to “Medical Test Army Recruitment Rally 2024 Indian Army Medical Test for Male & Female2”
  1. Somen Patra February 23, 2019
    • JobInfoGuru March 5, 2019
    • Rahul Dnyaneshwar Holge June 12, 2019
      • JobInfoGuru June 12, 2019
        • रामहरी October 10, 2019
          • JobInfoGuru October 10, 2019
          • Sameer May 13, 2020
          • JobInfoGuru June 6, 2020
      • Ranjeet Kumar July 21, 2019
  2. Rahul Dnyaneshwar Holge June 12, 2019
    • JobInfoGuru June 12, 2019
    • Sameer May 13, 2020
      • JobInfoGuru June 6, 2020
        • Shubham painkra January 2, 2021
  3. alka Punam Tigga June 15, 2019
    • alka Punam Tigga June 15, 2019
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        • JobInfoGuru March 31, 2020
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    • JobInfoGuru August 10, 2019
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    • JobInfoGuru September 27, 2019
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    • JobInfoGuru September 16, 2019
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    • JobInfoGuru August 7, 2021
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