Category: Army
Agniveer Rally Bharti Kaithal Kaithal Army Rally Bharti 2024: Kaithal Army Recruitment Technical, Non Technical Recruitment Soldier Agniveer GD, Soldier Agniveer Clerk Recruitment, Soldier Agniveer TDN Recruitment, Soldier Technical, Soldier Agniveer NA Recruitment, Army Sepoy Recruitment, Agniveer Sepoy Pharma Recruitment, Havildar Recruitment Job, JCO Job, Vanrakshak Guard Recruitment And Ex-Servicemen Recruitment DSC Naukri, Army Relation Rally …
Indian Air Force Group C Recruitment 2024:- Indian Air Force has published notification for Group C Civilian. Those Candidates who are interested in the vacancy details & completed all eligibility criteria can read the Notification & Apply. Indian Air Force is hiring candidates for recruitment to the post of Group C Civilian in South Western Air Command. …
Defense Security Corps Selection Procedure:- The Defense Security Corps is a government organization which looks after the Defense Security forces, and this is a prestigious department of Government of India that covers most part of India by providing the Defense security, where the Institutes like DRDO, ISRO and other major defense related services are secured …
Indian Army Free Jobs 2023: All India Army Bharti Job Information Soldier Category. Indian Army Job Information Kerala, TN, AP, Telangana, Goa, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Odisha, WB, Sikkim, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Manipur, Meghalaya, Nangaland, Tripura Army job information MP, Rajasthan, Delhi, Haryana, HP, Punjab, Chandigarh, Jammu and Kashmir, Leh, UK, Uttar Pradesh, UP, Jharkhand, CG, Bihar …
Agniveer Military Rally Bharti Program 2024: Military Recruitment Rally Schedule News Jammu, Kashmir, Leh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh (HP), Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttarakhand (UK), Uttar Pradesh (UP), Madhya Pradesh (MP), Chhattisgarh (CG), Military Recruitment Rally News Maharashtra, Gujarat, Daman & Div, Goa, Dadra Nagar Haveli, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Puducherry, Tamil Nadu (TN), Military Recruitment Rally News …
Indian Army Hav SAC Selection Procedure:- Indian Army Board invited all eligible candidates for recruitment as a Havildar Survey Automated Cartographer Post. Surveyor Automated Cartographer are directly recruited as Havildar in to the corps of engineers. The duties of SAC include the advancement in the field of Digital Cartography, GIS and also the integration of GIS …
Karnataka Police Age Limit 2024: Karnataka State Police (KSP) and Karnataka State Industrial Security Force (KSISF) Recruitment Age limit for GM, SC, ST, OBC, Ex Servicemen for recruitment KSP/ KSISF will be as under. ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಪೊಲೀಸ್ ನೇಮಕಾತಿ ವಯಸ್ಸಿನ ಮಿತಿ ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ಪೊಲೀಸ್ ನೇಮಕಾತಿ ವಯಸ್ಸಿನ ಮಿತಿ 2024: ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ರಾಜ್ಯ ಪೊಲೀಸ್ (KSP) ಮತ್ತು ಕರ್ನಾಟಕ ರಾಜ್ಯ ಕೈಗಾರಿಕಾ ಭದ್ರತಾ ಪಡೆ (KSISF) …
Responsibilities of Zila Sainik Board / Zila Sainik Welfare Office:-The Zila Sainik Welfare Offices (ZSWOs)/Zila Sainik Boards (ZSBs) which are the field units of this organization are responsible for the tasks as given under:- जिला सैनिक कल्याण कार्यालय (ZSWO) / जिला सैनिक बोर्ड (ZSB) जो इस संगठन की फील्ड इकाइयाँ हैं, जो निम्न के अनुसार कार्यों के …
आगरा के प्राचीन नाम: अंगिरा, अरगलपुर, उग्रसेनपुर, अकबराबाद , अग्रवन, आगरा. आगरा की गौरवशाली एवं वैभवशाली गाथा आगरा का सम्पूर्ण इतिहास: हिन्दू मुस्लिम सांप्रदायिक सदभाव, आध्यात्मिक, वैदिक, पौराणिक, शिक्षा, संस्कृति, संगीत, कला, सुन्दर भवन, धार्मिक, मंदिर, मस्जिद, ऐतिहासिक दुर्ग, गौरवशाली सांस्कृतिक कला की प्राचीन धरोहर को आदि काल से अब तक अपने आप में समेटे हुए …
रायबरेली की गौरवशाली एवं वैभवशाली गाथा रायबरेली का गौरव इतिहास: रायबरेली का इतिहास ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से जनपद रायबरेली का अतीत अत्यंत गौरवशाली और महिमामंडित रहा है। पुरातात्विक, ऐतिहासिक, सांस्कृतिक, भौगोलिक तथा औध्योगिक दृष्टि से रायबरेली का अपना विशिष्ट स्थान है। परिवर्तन के शाश्वत नियम के अनेक झंझावातों के बावजूद रायबरेली अस्तित्व अक्षुण्य् रहा है। रायबरेली मध्य …